Mostrar 93 resultados

Registo de autoridade

House Beautiful Magazine

  • HBMagazine
  • Publication
  • 1896 - Present

Illustrates and illuminates all matters of domestic style, while offering budget-conscious solutions.

Miller, Lynden B.

  • LMiller
  • Architect
  • Active from early 1980s

Lynden B. Miller is a garden designer best known for her New York City landscape creations including the Conservatory Garden in Central Park and works in Bryant Park, the New York BotanicalGarden, Columbia University’s campus, and many more.


  • GSiegel
  • Architectural Firm
  • 1966 to present

Founded in 1968, Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman Architects is a New York-based firm offering master planning, architectural, interior and product design services.

In 1982, Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman received the American Institute of Architects’ highest honor-the Firm Award-for “approaching every project with a fresh eye, a meticulous attention to detail, a keen appreciation for environmental and economic concerns and a strong belief in collaborative effort.”

Gwathmey, Charles

  • CGwathmey
  • Architect
  • 1938-2009

Hagmann, John S.

  • JHagmann
  • Architect
  • 20th century

John S. Hagmann is an American architect most active during the late 20th century. From 1969-1977, Hagmann was partnered with fellow Yale alum Robert A. M. Stern at their firm Stern and Hagmann.

Stern and Hagmann

  • SternHagmann
  • Architectural Firm
  • 1969-1977

Robert A.M. Stern (1939-) is a renowned American postmodern architect and architectural historian. He is the the founder of the firm Robert A.M. Stern Architects, which was established in 1977 in New York City. From 1969-1977, Stern was partnered with fellow Yale alum John S. Hagmann at their firm Stern and Hagmann.

George Tames

  • 1919-1989

George Tames was born in......

Woolner, Anthony and Anne

  • AAWoolner
  • Architect
  • Active from 1968 onward

The Woolners graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1968 and worked for various architects in California before returning east to build their own house.

Country Home: A More Modern Country

  • CHome
  • Publication
  • 1979 - 2009

Discusses home decorating, antique collecting, gardening, and cooking for homeowners who enjoy the country way of life.

De Vido, Alfredo

  • ADeVido
  • Architect
  • 1932-Present

Alfredo De Vido is an architect and author in New York City. He is known for his residential projects. His work also includes the 1993 renovation of the Queens Theatre in the Park.

Varney, Carleton

  • CVarney
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1938-

Carleton Varney is the president/owner of Dorothy Draper & Co. Inc., the oldest interior design firm in the U.S. that was founded in 1923 by interior design icon Dorothy Draper. Varney is considered to be one of America’s most famous interior designers with projects across the country and around the world for high-profile clients.

Stern, Robert A. M.

  • RStern
  • Architect
  • 1939 - Present

Robert A. M. Stern (1939-) is a renowned American postmodern architect and architectural historian. He is the the founder of the firm Robert A. M. Stern Architects, which was established in 1977 in New York City. From 1969-1977, Stern was partnered with fellow Yale alum John S. Hagmann at their firm Stern and Hagmann.

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