Affichage de 372 résultats

Description archivistique
Avec objets numériques Anglais
Aperçu avant impression Affichage :
Tolan House, Amagansett, New York
Tolan House, Amagansett, New York
01_01_003 - Cabin
01_01_003 - Cabin
Transammonia and Transnitro Offices, New York, New York
Transammonia and Transnitro Offices, New York, New York
Tolan House, Amagansett, New York
Tolan House, Amagansett, New York
Beebe House, Hamptons, New York
Beebe House, Hamptons, New York
Hoffman Apartment, New York, New York
Hoffman Apartment, New York, New York
02_02_002 - Arthur Steele, Sr. house, Bridgehampton, New York
02_02_002 - Arthur Steele, Sr. house, Bridgehampton, New York
02_02_003 -Arthur Steele, Sr. house, Bridgehampton, New York
02_02_003 -Arthur Steele, Sr. house, Bridgehampton, New York
08_01_001 - Paul and Nancy Klotz house, Westerly, Rhode Island
08_01_001 - Paul and Nancy Klotz house, Westerly, Rhode Island
Bruce Arneill House
Bruce Arneill House
06_06_001 - Jacobs house, Shelter Island, New York
06_06_001 - Jacobs house, Shelter Island, New York
06_02_001 - Gilbert house, Alpine, New Jersey
06_02_001 - Gilbert house, Alpine, New Jersey
11_00_001 - Gene Futterman (E. L. Futterman)
11_00_001 - Gene Futterman (E. L. Futterman)
06_06_002 - Jacobs house, Shelter Island, New York
06_06_002 - Jacobs house, Shelter Island, New York
image 05
image 05
Aetna offices, New York, New York
Aetna offices, New York, New York
13_01_001 - Michael Lax Kitchen, New York
13_01_001 - Michael Lax Kitchen, New York
15_01_004 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
15_01_004 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
15_01_001 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
15_01_001 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
Lutheran Hospital Jersey City, New Jersey
Lutheran Hospital Jersey City, New Jersey
15_01_006 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
15_01_006 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
15_01_002 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
15_01_002 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
Lutheran Hospital Jersey City, New Jersey
Lutheran Hospital Jersey City, New Jersey
Résultats 1 à 25 sur 372