Tolan House, Amagansett, New York
01_01_003 - Cabin
Transammonia and Transnitro Offices, New York, New York
Tolan House, Amagansett, New York
Beebe House, Hamptons, New York
Hoffman Apartment, New York, New York
02_02_002 - Arthur Steele, Sr. house, Bridgehampton, New York
02_02_003 -Arthur Steele, Sr. house, Bridgehampton, New York
08_01_001 - Paul and Nancy Klotz house, Westerly, Rhode Island
Bruce Arneill House
06_06_001 - Jacobs house, Shelter Island, New York
06_02_001 - Gilbert house, Alpine, New Jersey
11_00_001 - Gene Futterman (E. L. Futterman)
06_06_002 - Jacobs house, Shelter Island, New York
image 05
Aetna offices, New York, New York
13_01_001 - Michael Lax Kitchen, New York
15_01_004 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
15_01_001 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
Lutheran Hospital Jersey City, New Jersey
15_01_006 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
15_01_002 - Woolner house, North Salem, New York
Lutheran Hospital Jersey City, New Jersey